martes, 4 de marzo de 2014

U5 English

Trans disciplinary Topic: Who we are

Title: "Boy, have we changed".

Central Idea: The changes that people experience at different stages of their lives, affect them.

Related Concepts: Development, welfare, stability. 

Key Concepts: Function, connection, change.

Lines of Inquiry: 
-Factors contributing to people's welfare.
-Prevention, change and body care. 
-Physical, social, emotional and intellectual changes that occur through life.

In this unit I have the attitudes of:
-Cooperation: Because I cooperate with my team in all the jobs.
-Independence: Because I work independent without help.
The abbilities of: 
-Planifie: Because my team and I plan and all the jobs and we di the jobs correctly.
-Curiosity: Because I want to learn more in this unit.
The learner profile: 
-Risk Taker: Because I was very risk taker in the works.

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